Electric Vehicle Charging FAQs

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We are excited to announce that we have become registered with the Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV). This means that we are approved to install your electric car chargers. Electric car charging points are brilliant because they contribute to the environmental benefits of using an electric vehicle and the Government also provides funding for the installation of these charging points. 

Keeping in theme with our last information resource about the benefits of electric cars, this post answers some of the most frequently asked questions about EV (electric vehicle) charging. 

Where can I charge my electric car?

There are multiple places where you could charge your electric car. If you are at home, you can charge it in a private garage, driveway or a designated parking area. If you live in a flat, it’s common to charge your car in a shared parking facility. This is similar if you are at work as you would be able to charge your car in the office’s shared parking facility. When in public, you can charge your car along streets or a public parking facility. Electric car charging points can be available at shopping centres, restaurants, hotels and more.

How long will it take to charge my electric car?

Charging times can vary depending on your current level of battery charge as well as the battery capacity. It will also be affected by the charging point’s capacity, settings and energy source. Plug in hybrids tend to require about 1 to 4 hours to be fully charged whilst full electric cars can take 4 to 8 hours to fully charge. 

Can I charge my car from a regular electricity outlet?

It is possible to charge your car from a regular electricity outlet, however it’s not recommended. Charging at home requires a specific charging cable that prevents power outage and overheating. Also, you need to make sure your outlet is near the car as you should never use an extension cable to charge your car. Even if you take these precautions, charging from a regular outlet is highly discouraged as most homes aren’t wired to carry such a high electrical draw.

What’s the most recommended method of car charging?

It would have to be a charging station. This is highly recommended because it’s safe and makes efficient use of the car’s energy source. When using a charging station, you can be sure that you can have a fully charged car with maximum range. This is because they can charge up to 8 times faster than a regular outlet.

What is a fast charging station?

Fast charging stations are most common outside cities. These can be good for quick charging as it only takes 20-30 minutes however it only brings an electric car up to 80% at a single charging session. These charging stations are very expensive so are only purchased and built by local governments, therefore they’re not readily available.

These are a few answers to some common questions about electric car charging. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of investing in an electric vehicle, read more here

Electric Vehicle Charging Installers